Respuestas para Jessie
1. What was/is your most conservative belief?
For those of you that do not know I used to be quite the conservative back in the day...such a scary thought, and also a huge amount of sorrow that goes along with that due to the fear of how much hurt and pain I caused. As far as I can remember the most conservative thought I had back in the day was being anti-choice. I wasn't one of those whacked out crazies who would carry signs or pictures, but I did argue very strenously in favor of banning reproductive choice as it pertains to abortion. Today my position is completely reversed, in fact, I went to the March on Washington on April 25, 2004 (Jessie's and my b-day) along with 1,000,000 other folks. I would say currently my most conservative views relate to Cuba. I guess they are conservative in the sense that I do not know what to believe, the pure and unadulterated odio my mom's family has for Castro, or the so-called "progressive" view that Cuba is a great revolutionary country that would be 100% perfect if the sanctions were lifted. I just don't know what to think, so I usually end up somewhere in the middle. I don't know how to balance my family's real life experience as they perceive it or listen to those progressives who have traveled to Cuba and have loved what they have seen. I will say that Batista was a comemierda támbien, and by no means is any better than Castro.
2. What is your happiest childhood moment?
Es muy dificíl para divinar cual es mi memoria favorita de mi niñez. Creo que tengo dos memorias favoritas y se relatan a la familia de mi mamá y a mi bisabuela por parte de mi padre. Mi bisabuela vivió con mi familia antes que ella entró al nursing home. Siempre ella me cuidaba cuando regresé de la escuela ó cuando era enfermo. Ella siempre querría hacer seguro que yo entendí que ella me amó. Yo creo en un Dios/Diosa que ama a todos, y la razon porque yo tengo esa creencia es porque pudia ver esa imensa amor en los ojos de mi bisabuela. Támbien en mi niñez, por parte de mi mamá, nosotros reunimos como familia casi cada sábado o domingo. Eran ocasiones para divertimos uno a otro; ocasión para español, la música latina, comida cubana, y el chisme.
3. What do you want for dinner Friday night (I'm cooking)?
A mi no importa porque yo sé que tu eres un gran cocinero, pero siempre prefiero la comida latina.
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