Respuestas para Hermana C (a.k.a. Colette)
What dream for you future do you refuse to relinquish?
I really would like to have a family. Obviously being queer makes things a bit more difficult. I refuse to give up on the fact that there is a guy out there for me who would like some of the things I want, especially having a family. I think being a father would be one of the greatest experiences and honors in the world. Of course it is not easy, and admittedly, I am scared to have children because I fear I might not have what it takes but then again...who is made out to be a parent right out of the gates? I just hope that I do not make that many mistakes along the way. To even get a chance at a family I really would need to find a partner because I know that I personally could not do it alone. And if you have been reading my blogs lately you know that I have some issues with regards to my love life, or the lack thereof, but this is still something that I refuse to give up on.
What is the best part of your day?
Even though I am not a morning person, I do very much enjoy getting into work and feeling as if I have the opportunity to do some really great work. Although I may loath the current office dynamics at United Council I still really enjoy the work that I do. Working full time to make higher education a possibility and opportunity for everyone is great, amazing, and extremely rewarding. At the beginning my day is always when I am most filled with hope and optimism for the future, which is something comsidering I am a natural pessimist.
What do you think happens to oneself after death?
It is hard for me to answer this question, because my faith and religion is something that I have been struggling with for the past 2 years. I was brought up catholic and for a while (about 10 months) I belonged to a more christian evangelical tradition. If I had to go with my gut reaction, I would say that I do believe in Heaven along with reincarnation. How those two concepts coincide I really don't know but it makes sense to my head and heart. I also do believe in a hell, but I feel this place is reserved for the most hanous and egregious individuals. I do believe in a divine forgiveness for all of the fucked up shit we do in our lives, but I don't feel as if you have to believe in Jesus to receive such forgiveness. I hope that makes sense, although it probably doesn't because it does not make sense it my head all of the time either.
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