Sueños Y Gritas

Monday, September 27, 2004

Preparando para irme

So I am currently sitting at a computer in the Women's Resource Center just hours away from going to the airport and leaving my friends at CU-Boulder yet once again. This visit has been one of many mixed emotions, some great highs and some interesting lows. Leaving Boulder, CO I now feel as though I have a greater understanding of what I must do in order to get my life back into shape and working order. I leave Colorado with many ideas and still many as of yet unanswered questions. This probably is not the best medium by which I should be writing about these things...but oh well...I, at some point, have to begin living my life and not worrying excessively about hurting or embarrassing others. Nothing should be said out of malice or pain, but truth and honesty must always be adhered to. My friend, Pinky, said that I should not post anything too personal, especially things that might cast individuals or organizations in a not so good light. So, I have decided to listen to her and try to remain as nondescript as possible, but still have fidelity for my own thoughts and emotions. I know a lot of this seems like a lot of random crap that doesn't make much sense, but when I arrive in Milwaukee tonight I will be sure to post a more explanatory entry because I am not sure I have the language or the content to put what I am feeling into words now.


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