Sueños Y Gritas

Sunday, October 03, 2004


I am in a really weird mood today, especially right at this moment in time. Over the last few days I have been going over the many friendships and relationships that I have in this world and have contemplated who I want to associate with anymore. I can't really explain what has brought me to such a line of thinking...or maybe I can I just do not care to divulge it in such a public a manner...who knows? I am going through another one of those crazy mood swings that I wish I could just throw the brakes on and move in reverse, but it seems the harder I try to stop it the more powerful it becomes. I scheduled an evaluation with the UW Behavioral Health Department of the UW Hospital to take place in the next week and a half. I can't wait for that date to come because these emotional ups and downs fuckin suck!!!

On a lighter note...I've seen three great movies lately that I deeply recommend Man on Fire, Angels in America, and Latter Days. As well, the wonderful Clare, sent me a great gift that I received on Friday. It was a poem that is set into some sort of art collage that is beautiful (I am sooooo sorry I am not describing it with justice b/c my art vocab is absolutely pathetic). On the same day, another friend, Cheryl, my grrrl from back home in Milwaukee (M-town!!!), sent me a package with the soundtrack to Camp (another movie I highly recommend) and the first season of the Dave Chapelle Show (who is funny but also fucked up on a number of issues).

Hasta luego...


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